
Mykolaiv Regional Employment Centre

Mykolaiv City, Nikolska Street 68
Working hours

To support the competitiveness of certain categories of citizens, training is organized through vouchers approved by the Ministry of Economy for a list of professions and specialties.

A voucher is a standardized document that entitles an individual to retrain for a skilled trade, pursue a specialty to obtain a master’s degree based on a bachelor’s or master’s degree obtained in a different specialty, pursue education at the next level (except for the third (educational-scientific/educational-creative) level of higher education), specialize, and enhance qualifications in educational institutions or with an employer.

The main purpose of issuing vouchers is to enhance competitiveness and expand employment opportunities.

Training with a voucher is available for 70 professions and specialties, including in IT technologies, construction, transportation, education, medicine, agriculture, social services, by independently selecting a profession or specialty, educational institution within Ukraine, and the form of study: full-time, part-time, or distance learning.

For more information, please visit the link https://www.dcz.gov.ua/storinka/vauchery

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