
Ukrainian Sappers Association

Kyiv, 10 S. Petliura Street, Office 4
Working hours

Financial aid is provided in the amount of approximately $500 in the equivalent in hryvnias. In 2024, our organization provided assistance to 166 people affected by explosive ordnance (MVA). In total, over the period of our MVA activities, we managed to help about 800 beneficiaries. We continue to provide this assistance. Mandatory conditions for registration:

– You are a victim of an explosive device or its representative (parent, guardian, relative, etc.)
– You wish to receive international comprehensive assistance to cover needs unrelated to rehabilitation and treatment
– Project geography: Chernihiv, Sumy, Kherson, Kharkiv, Mykolaiv, Zaporizhzhia, Odesa, Poltava, Dnipropetrovsk, Lviv, Kyiv regions and Kyiv city
– You are an adult (but assistance can also be provided for children).

Where to apply?

If you or your acquaintances have been affected by explosive devices, fill out the form and submit an application on the organisation’s website: This application is just the first step in registering the person. Humanitarian coordinators will reach out to you to clarify all details.

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Hotline numbers
Гаряча лінія 0-800-330-360

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