Psychological assistance for adolescents

The Ministry of Health of Ukraine has published services and hotlines where adolescents can get free psychological help. In times of war, children are one of the most vulnerable categories.
The line of the National Psychological Association: 0 800 100 102 (open daily from 10:00 to 20:00).
National hotline for children and youth from La Strada: 0 800 500 225 (from a mobile or landline).
The line from the charitable foundation “Voices of Children”: 0 800 210 106 (open from 09:00 to 20:00). It is also possible to make an appointment for face-to-face consultations. Details can be found here.
International humanitarian organization “Person in Need”: 0 800 210 160 (anonymously and around the clock).
PORUCH – here you can sign up for an online support group for adolescents. Consultations are held twice a week on the Zoom platform.
“No Small Things” is a telegram bot that will help teenagers understand their emotional state, support their mental health, and get professional advice from psychologists.
Teenergizer is a youth movement that offers free and confidential psychological support for teenagers. You can sign up for a free consultation on the website.
Source: Ministry of Reintegration