
NGO “Ukrainian Association of Cochlear Implant Carriers”


The Ukrainian Association of Cochlear Implant Carriers is an organization that unites efforts to support people with hearing impairments, helping them regain the ability to hear and live a full life. The organization’s website contains information about hearing test centers throughout Ukraine, allowing everyone to find qualified help nearby.

Tasks of the organization:

Introduction of newborn hearing screening at the national level.

Support for cochlear implant wearers and their families.

Informing the public about the importance of systematic hearing screening.

Introduce mandatory hearing screening for children aged 3 and 6.

Ensuring timely hearing care for adults and children.

Organization of information events, actions, round tables, PR campaigns, seminars and conferences.

Participation in rule-making activities, training of specialists and lobbying for the interests of the deaf before the state.

Promoting the introduction of hearing screening, full funding for hearing prosthetics and rehabilitation.

The NGO strives not only to change the lives of people with hearing impairments, but also to make society more responsive and inclusive.

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Hotline 380965604169

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