
NGO «Feel»


“Feel” is a non-governmental organization that helps people with hearing impairments integrate into society and improve their quality of life. The foundation implements educational, medical, and social projects aimed at supporting people with hearing impairments, as well as raising public awareness of deafness and ways to overcome it.

The fund’s main activities include:

Providing hearing aids and access to modern rehabilitation methods.

Organizing educational programs and trainings for children and adults.

Supporting educational initiatives for the development of an inclusive society.

Community involvement in creating equal opportunities for people with hearing impairments.

Over the years, the organization has implemented more than 15 all-Ukrainian projects. Among them: a unique inclusive camp for Ukraine aimed at socializing children with hearing impairments, the creation of the TAM creative space and the Big Bach music class for the deaf, a series of lessons on inclusion for schoolchildren called “Living Language,” and free online sign language courses for the general public. In the spring of 2018, the When Silence Spoke project was launched. The large-scale initiative aims to draw attention to the issue of deaf people and those who are losing their hearing, which is more than 3 million Ukrainians. In total, the When Silence Spoke project will include more than 10 initiatives – from an educational program for children to social experiments with stars and opinion leaders.

The Feel Foundation unites those who want to help and provides the necessary support to those in need.

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Hotline numbers
Administrator of the Children's Center 063-722-32-20
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