
National Health Service of Ukraine

Ukraine, Mykolaiv oblast
Working hours

Call the NHSU contact center at 16-77 to get information on medical care and the operation of the medical system during martial law.

All calls from landline and mobile phones are free of charge.

Operators answer calls from 9:00 to 18:00 on business days (up to 16:45 on Fridays). At other times, the answering machine can answer most questions.

Call 16-77 to find out, for example:

What changes in the rules for receiving medical care are in effect during martial law?

How can people who have moved to other regions because of the hostilities get medical care?

What kind of assistance does the nearest hospital provide under the Medical Guarantee Program?

How do I get “Affordable Medicines”?

How and where can I get insulin drugs?

When do you need a referral and how do you use it?

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Hotline numbers
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