International Rescue Committee (IRC)
Working hours
Mon-Thurs9:00 - 17:00
The International Rescue Committee (IRC) provides the following assistance:
- free social and psychological assistance to war-affected individuals. Phone: +380 93 420 56 23. Working hours: Mon-Fri 09:00-17:00
- social support to state institutions and organizations;
- consultations on obtaining social, psychological, and legal assistance. Legal assistance, phone +380 (63) 62 72 304;
- psychological support and consultations;
- provision of auxiliary means for persons with disabilities (wheelchairs, crutches, walkers, etc.);
- psychosocial support programs for children and their parents;
- sessions on prevention and awareness of gender-based violence. Phone: +380 (63) 17 85 236
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Hotline numbers