
Digital platform of free legal aid PravoVsim


The PravoVsim project activity is a modern digital platform that provides access to free legal aid. It was created for people who find themselves in difficult life circumstances and allows them to get legal support quickly and conveniently without leaving their homes. The platform is staffed by experienced lawyers who provide online advice via web resources, phone, video calls or chat, allowing you to choose the most convenient way to communicate. “PravoVsim provides access to legal aid for citizens of Ukraine, as well as for Ukrainians abroad, including those who were forced to leave due to the armed conflict.

The platform offers advice on social security, the rights of internally displaced persons, document restoration, medical and social assistance, labor relations, housing issues, and legal support in obtaining international protection in the EU.

At the same time, the platform has certain limitations: it does not provide advice on criminal cases, administrative offenses, or help combatants (those who are currently directly involved in hostilities).

“PravoVsim” діє по всій території України та частково у країнах Європейського Союзу, надаючи підтримку в найбільш актуальних правових питаннях.

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