
Department of housing registration and distribution of the Central, Ingul and Korabelny districts

20 Admiralska St., Mykolaiv, room 230
Working hours

The department provides the following services for internally displaced persons living in Mykolaiv:

– Registration of internally displaced persons in need of accommodation for temporary residence (through the Department of Administrative Services of Mykolaiv City Council).

– Extension of the term for the provision of housing from the housing stock for temporary residence of internally displaced persons.

An internally displaced person and his/her family members who are registered as such are provided with a free of charge dwelling from the fund at the place of actual residence/stay within the territory of the Mykolaiv city territorial community for a period of up to 1 year with the possibility of extension for the next term in case there are no changes in their status and if they have not acquired another place of residence;

– Internally displaced persons from among the combatants have the right to use the service of registration of citizens in need of better housing conditions for further obtaining housing.

In addition, in accordance with the decision of the Executive Committee of the Mykolaiv City Council dated 04.04.2022 No. 278, the department organises free accommodation in municipal premises (dormitories) for temporarily displaced persons who, as a result of hostilities and after the introduction of martial law, were forced to leave their permanent place of residence and temporarily move to the city of Mykolaiv from other settlements where hostilities are taking place, and residents of the city of Mykolaiv who were forced to leave their homes due to their destruction as a result of hostilities.

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