
Charity fund "Lubystok"


Seek help if you are a victim of human trafficking!

Numerous threats are associated with the terrible realities of the modern world, among which human trafficking is one of the most horrible and shameful. Every year, thousands of people become victims of this crime, deprived not only of their freedom but also of their dignity.

If you find yourself in a dangerous situation:

  • you are forced to work forcibly, overtime or to pay off fictitious debts
  • You have been denied payment of your promised wages
  • Your passport or other personal documents have been confiscated;

You are being held against your will, your freedom of movement and communication with your family is being restricted;

  • you are being threatened, blackmailed, subjected to physical or psychological violence, bullied or subjected to psychological pressure;
  • you have been subjected to crimes committed by the military of the aggressor state – illegal detention, captivity and use in armed conflict

You may have been a victim of human trafficking!

If you have 2 or more of these signs, we invite you to fill out a questionnaire at the following link: , which will help us better understand your situation and needs. Your personal data will be kept confidential and will not be disclosed.

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