
Charitable organization «Lviv Charitable Foundation ”Sincere Heart»

Lviv oblast, Ukraine

The Sincere Heart Charitable Foundation has been operating since 2014.

The main goal of the foundation is to restore the mental and physical health of Ukrainians that was lost as a result of the war in Ukraine. Two main projects of the Sincere Heart Foundation:

“Recovery Camp” is a project of psycho-emotional rehabilitation of children and mothers affected by the war in Ukraine, the project is implemented in the format of camps. This is a unique method that allows to simultaneously involve a large number of mothers and children in the process of psycho-emotional rehabilitation. This project helps to restore the psycho-emotional state, establish family relationships, socialize, gain self-help skills and find resources to move on with their lives.

“Ucare.me is an online platform that provides Ukrainians with psychosocial support (MHPSS) by providing them with up to 10 free consultations with a psychologist or psychotherapist. The project is targeted at Ukrainians affected by the war – war witnesses, internally displaced persons (IDPs), forced migrants, family members of the victims, survivors of the occupation and their families.

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Hotline numbers
Hotline numbers, support lines +380972745669
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