
Charitable Foundation «SOS Children's Villages»

city of Mykolaiv
Working hours

The CF invites families with children affected by the war, families of internally displaced persons raising children under 18, single mothers, fathers, low-income and large families, families with children with disabilities, foster families and family-type orphanages, foster families, children who have lost their parents due to the war to apply for support. In Mykolaiv and the region, SOS Children’s Villages offers the following assistance:

  • Humanitarian aid in accordance with the needs assessment of families with children – (food, hygiene, stationery, dishes, textiles; medicines)
  • Psychological services;
  • Speech therapy services;
  • Social and educational services;
  • Trainings, workshops, master classes, and art therapy sessions for young people;
  • A children’s space;

For more information on how to get help, you can find out by calling the contact number or visiting the official website.

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