
Charitable Foundation “Right to Protection”

Sadova Street, 25, Mykolaiv, Николаевская область, Украина

Who can receive financial assistance?
Vulnerable internally displaced persons affected by military operations in certain regions, as well as those who have returned to their permanent place of residence (including those from abroad) can apply.

Amount of financial assistance
The amount of assistance is based on the amount of the minimum consumer basket, amounts to UAH 3,600 per person and covers a three-month period.

Therefore, you can contact our data collection points if your family

✔️ has not previously received assistance from international organizations;

✔️ has an income of less than 5400 UAH per person,

✔️ belongs to the following categories and has at least one of the criteria вразливості❗️ (listed below):


1) Internally displaced persons (who moved within the last six months within Ukraine) AND who have not been included in the UNHCR cash assistance program before, and have not received cash assistance from other organizations and meet one of the following criteria:;

2) People who have returned to Ukraine after being forced to move to another country due to hostilities AND have not received cash assistance from UNHCR or other organizations before, as well as people who have returned to Ukraine after being forced to move to another region or abroad due to hostilities AND meet one of the criteria:

3) People who have returned to their places of permanent residence after being forcibly displaced within Ukraine due to hostilities as of 24.02.2022 AND have not received financial assistance from UNHCR or other organizations before, as people who have returned to their places of permanent residence after being forcibly displaced to another region or abroad due to hostilities AND meet one of the criteria:

✅ a family with only one parent (either a father or a mother) with one or more children under the age of 18 or with elderly people (55 years and older)

✅ A family headed by one single/multiple single elderly persons (55 years and older) or an elderly person with one or more children under the age of 18;

Families with one or more persons with special needs. Namely, those with disabilities, chronic diseases. The list is not limited to these criteria of special needs;


To register for re-registration for financial assistance from UNHCR Mykolaiv: Registering for registration for financial assistance from UNHCR Mykolaiv Запис в чергу для реєстрації на фінансову допомогу від УВКБ ООН м.Миколаїв (


To find out more information on registration for financial assistance please follow the link

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