
Charitable Foundation «OBERIG 26»

The central bus station

The Foundation focuses its efforts on supporting socially vulnerable categories of the population, helping them to overcome difficulties and meet their basic needs.

Registration for assistance (food packages) for IDPs and large families 10:00-14:00. All available information on registration for food aid is available in the Viber group https://invite.viber.com/?g2=AQBDE6jAQXcmwU9%2B6puYq5pZ%2FS4WN9IUagJTZ0jP53ACoTZE9Aap7ED3gI4LZgMt.

The organization also promotes social adaptation and provides necessary support for those who have experienced the hardships of war. The Foundation works for the benefit of those who need help in this difficult time, providing access to resources and support to ease everyday difficulties.

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