
Charitable Foundation "Let's help"

04112 m. Kyiv, Ukraine, 23 Parkovo-Syretska St.

The main direction of the Charitable Foundation “Let’s help” is to help geriatric nursing homes. With the beginning of the full-scale invasion of Russia, Let’s help Charitable Foundation began to provide targeted assistance to single elderly people who do not live in nursing homes, but are under the care of territorial centres.

What kind of help can the Let’s help Charity Foundation offer?

– A food parcel, which includes a variety of cereals, pasta, sugar and salt, sunflower oil, flour, canned meat and fish, spices, etc. The contents of the set can be changed at the discretion of the foundation.

– Hygiene products (diapers for a bedridden elderly person).

If you are a pensioner (60+, do not have an IDP certificate and do not have children or grandchildren), or a social worker, or a neighbour/acquaintance of a lonely pensioner who needs help, please send the following information to office@letshelp.com.ua Full name, year of birth, TIN number, settlement, mobile phone number of the recipient.

The submitted request does not guarantee 100% receipt of assistance.

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