
Administration of Korabelnyi district of Mykolaiv city council

Mykolaiv, 314 Bohoyavlensky Avenue
Working hours

Recreational services (14 days) are provided at the expense of the Mykolaiv City Territorial Community budget to children in need of special social attention and support, in accordance with the categories of children defined by the Law of Ukraine No. 375-VI of 04.09.2008 “On Health Improvement and Recreation of Children” (as amended).

According to the current legislation, children registered as internally displaced persons belong to the preferential category.

To receive a recreation service, you must provide documents:

– a copy of the child’s birth certificate or other identity document (2 copies);

– a copy of the certificate of registration of an internally displaced person, which is valid for the period of the child’s arrival;

– a statement from the father or mother or a person in loco parentis;

– medical certificate in the form No. 079/0.

Children aged 7 to 18 are sent to children’s health and recreation facilities. To receive a recreational service, the child’s legal representatives apply to the responsible unit: Department for Humanitarian Affairs

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