
"NGO Athena. Women against cancer"

Working hours

The mission of the public organization, “Athena. Women Against Cancer” is to protect the rights and interests of Ukrainian cancer patients.
Telegram channel for information support of cancer patients –

YouTube channel of the NGO “Athena. Women Against Cancer” is at

What knowledge do patients receive:
– How to get medical care for free?
– How to find out what medicines are available at cancer centers?
– What medical institutions in Ukraine can I go to for a second medical opinion?
– How and where to complain about corruption in cancer centers if the patient’s rights are violated, if the patient is not provided with the necessary medicines included in the National List of Medicines?
– Where to get diagnosed?
– Which oncology centers are equipped with high-precision diagnostic equipment, and which clinics use modern international guidelines and the latest cancer treatment technologies?
– How to get treatment in Europe and the world?
– All about cancer treatment in Ukraine and abroad
Have you been diagnosed with cancer and are determined to fight? We are here for you, join us!
And let Athena lead us to victory and lifelong remission!

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