La Strada - Ukraine

Public human rights organization “La Strada - Ukraine”


“La Strada-Ukraine is a human rights organization that works to promote gender equality, peacebuilding, prevention of gender-based violence, including domestic violence, combating human trafficking, and ensuring children’s rights by promoting the implementation of human rights standards in all spheres of society and the state.

The organization provides anonymous and confidential counseling through hotlines, provides psychological and legal assistance, and promotes the creation of a safe society.

Key areas of activity:
– support for victims of domestic and gender-based violence;
– counseling on labor rights and the risks of human trafficking;
– protection of the rights of children and youth.

“La Strada Ukraine is actively working to create a safe society by promoting equality, protection and support in crisis situations.

If you need psychological or legal assistance, please contact us by phone or visit the organization’s official resources for more information and advice.

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Hotline numbers
National hotline for the prevention of domestic violence, human trafficking and gender discrimination 0 800 500 335
National hotline for children and youth 0 800 500 225

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