
NGO “Bilozersky Center for Regional Development”


Areas of activity of the Organization:

  • community development
  • non-formal education
  • psychosocial and legal assistance
  • responding to the crisis
  • activation and social cohesion of community residents

Areas of activity of the Organization:
community development
non-formal education
psychosocial and legal aid
crisis response
activation and social cohesion of community residents
We work in the following communities: Bilozerska, Muzykivska, Chornobaivska, Dar’yivska, Stanislavska communities of Kherson region.
Our projects include combating gender-based violence, psychosocial support and protection of rights, including those of women and girls, non-formal education and meaningful leisure for children, adolescents and youth, support for families in difficult situations, community development through the promotion of service restoration, and a resource center for volunteers and public institutions.
You can get free help on our hotlines from 9 to 17 hours:
Psychological assistance – (066) 999-01-42
Legal assistance – (050) 999-01-42
Humanitarian assistance – (066) 999-01-43
Contacts of the office of the public organization “Bilozersky Center for Regional Development”:
Phone/fax: (05547) 33-7-68
Mobile phone of the office: (095) 087-48-60

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Hotline numbers
Psychological help (066) 999-01-42
Legal support (050) 999-01-42
Humanitarian help (066) 999-01-43

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