СlothesWASH (Sanitation, water and hygiene)Social protection services (social services)SGBV (Sexual and Gender-Based Violence)Psychological assistance (psychological consulting)OtherLivelihood (grants, requalification)Legal aid (primary and secondary legal aid)Housing (temporary accommodation)Helping animals (food, veterinary care)Health protection (medical services, medicines)Food Aid (food kits)Financial AidEmployment (Professional Training Courses)Education (educational courses)Child protection (activities for children)
Let’s get acquainted! I am Varenik! I was invented and created by the volunteers of the Rubikus team! Since the beginning of the war, more than 20,000 people have left Ukraine with the help of Rubikus and found refuge in different countries of Europe and the world. Over the years, the Rubikus team has accumulated a huge amount of knowledge about how Ukrainians are received in each country. And now I’m ready to share this useful information with you! On this resource, you can search for the country you are interested in and select the parameters:
- Documents
- Status
- Payouts
- Accommodation
- Medicine
- Transportation
- Work
- Education
- For drivers
- Animals
- Children without parents
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