
MNE "Mykolaiv regional hospital of rehabilitation treatment" of Mykolaiv regional council

: 54030, Mykolaiv, 27 Velyka Morskaya St.

A set of measures aimed at helping those who have faced challenges in everyday life due to health problems or ageing. You can get the service free of charge at a regular hospital if it has a contract with the NHS. You can find the contact details and address of a hospital near you on the NHSU website here:

or call the hotline at 1677 (free of charge) and the operators will tell you the nearest facility.

As part of the packages, patients are entitled to receive free of charge

An individual rehabilitation plan and rehabilitation therapy programme;

conducting the necessary laboratory and instrumental examinations;

rehabilitation care in several areas simultaneously (neurorehabilitation and/or orthopaedic rehabilitation and/or cardiorespiratory rehabilitation, etc.) in an inpatient setting, in accordance with the individual rehabilitation plan

psychological assistance;

timely pain relief at all stages of rehabilitation;

medicines from the National List of Essential Medicines, etc.

More information about rehabilitation packages can be found here

Детальніше про соціальні гарантії забезпечення технічними та іншими засобами реабілітації осіб з інвалідністю в Україні читайте на сайті МОЗ –


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