
Department of Administrative Services of Mykolaiv City Council

20 Admiralska St.
Working hours

In the Administrative Service Centre you can use services in the following categories:


  • Cadastre
  • Assessment
  • Ownership/lease of property


Agriculture. Industry

  • Crop production
  • Fisheries


Residence registration

  • Residence registration



  • Declarations
  • Architecture
  • Approval of land management documentation


Education and culture

  • Education. Issuance of certificates, establishment of categories
  • Culture. Approval of documentation, issuance of permits


Social protection

  • Granting/establishing status, issuing certificates
  • Issuance of certificates

Registration of contracts, agreements

  • Issuance of food stamps



  • Guardianship and custody
  • Adoption
  • Protection of property rights of a child
  • Issuance of certificates, certificates
  • Decisions, conclusions
  • Issuance of referrals
  • Giving consent, permission
  • Establishment of status


Natural resources and environment

  • Atmospheric air
  • Water resources
  • Land
  • Expertise
  • Registration of the declaration




Security. Entrepreneurship

  • Road traffic safety
  • Occupational health and safety
  • Fire safety
  • Safety of human life and health. Production safety

Registration services

  • Real estate registration
  • Business registration
  • Registration of a public association
  • Registration of a creative/professional union

Registration services

  • Registration of an employers’ organisation/association of employers’ organisations
  • Registration of a political party
  • Registration of a permanent court of arbitration
  • Registration of a print media outlet with local distribution

To register for the service you need, you can use the electronic queue: or pick up a coupon at the department’s terminals.

ATTENTION! The service of issuing a certificate of IDP registration is not included in the List of administrative services provided through the Department of Administrative Services of Mykolaiv City Council.

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