
Women's employment centre - Weso Ukraine


The Women’s Employment Centre is a new project designed to help everyone gain economic independence and confidently manage their lives. Its goal is to strengthen the economic capacity of women affected by the war, including IDPs, women with disabilities, victims of gender-based and domestic violence, and women in difficult life circumstances.

The Women’s Employment Centre includes:

20 employment centres in 4 regions of Ukraine: Dnipro, Poltava, Sumy and Mykolaiv (5 communities in each region).

Courses in applied professions that will help you find a new job.

Entry-level IT courses.

Services of career counsellors to help you find a job.

Monthly offline and online information sessions on various employment-related topics.

Opportunity to receive starter kits to start your own business.

Registration for the project for residents of Poltava, Sumy, Dnipro and Mykolaiv regions who need help finding a job is available at – https://bit.ly/49ufggL

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