
Mykolayiv local charitable foundation "Vykhid"

Mykolayiv, Potemkinska 16
Working hours

The Mykolaiv Local Charitable Foundation “Vykhid” (MMBF “Vykhid”) is a non-governmental, non-profit organization created to implement modern approaches in the field of public health.

Main directions: prevention of HIV infection, drug addiction, viral hepatitis, tuberculosis and other socially dangerous diseases.

The main services of the fund:

  • testing with rapid tests: for HIV, hepatitis B, and C and sexually transmitted diseases;
  • providing a comprehensive package of services to users of injection drugs;
  • early diagnosis of tuberculosis;
  • consulting;
  • social support of people living with HIV;
  • psychosocial support of people with tuberculosis;
  • support for substitute supportive therapy for people living with drug addiction;
  • training of medical workers and clients of the fund.
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