
Danish Refugee Council (DRC)

Working hours

The Danish Refugee Council works to create long-term solutions to the problems of IDPs. The organization provides free of charge:

  • Consultations of a lawyer
  • Help in drafting documents
  • Court escort

The organization advises and assists in the renewal and appointment of:

  • payments to displaced persons;
  • pension;
  • alimony;
  • assistance at the birth and care of a child;
  • unemployment, disability benefits;
  • aid to low-income families;

Obtaining and restoring:

  • passport;
  • certificates of the immigrant;
  • birth, death, marriage certificates;
  • documents about education;
  • other documents.

Solutions to other legal issues:

  • crossing the border, including with children;
  • registration of refugee status, temporary protection abroad;
  • restoration of violated labor rights;
  • registration of place of residence (registration);
  • registration and termination of business;
  • individual issues;
  • credits;
  • property rights (registration, restoration);
  • registration of public organizations.
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